trochoidu - XoilacTV

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trochoidu: Pivot joint - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS,Pompa Trochoid | PDF - Scribd,Trochoid - MATHCURVE.COM,Trochoid - Wikipedia,
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Pivot joint - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS

A hypotrochoid is a roulette traced by a point P attached to a circle of radius b rolling around the inside of a fixed circle of radius a, where P is a distance h from the center of the interior circle.

Pompa Trochoid | PDF - Scribd

A cycloid is a specific form of trochoid and is an example of a roulette, a curve generated by a curve rolling on another curve. The cycloid, with the cusps pointing upward, is the curve of fastest descent under uniform gravity (the brachistochrone curve).


Cycloid and Trochoids. A wheel demonstrating a cycloid (green), a superior trochoid (red) and an inferior trochoid (blue). The cycloid is formed by the green line as it traces a point on the...

Trochoid - Wikipedia

The notion of trochoid refers to the curve described by a point linked to a disk with radius R rolling without slipping on a line (D); in other words, in it a roulette of a movement of a plane over a fixed plane the base of which is a line and the rolling curve of which is a circle.